Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

Matematika Teknik II

Berikut RPKPS Matematika Teknik II

Subject Name                                   : Engineering Mathematics II
Code / Credit                                     : EE 150/4 sks
Course status                                       : Compulsory
Semester / The academic year           : II/ Genap  2012-2013
Pre-requisites/Co-requisites                  : (P) Engineering Mathematics I
Lecturer                                            : Yuliati, S.Si, MT
Description of Subjects                   : This course contains knowledge of problem solving techniques into mathematical models to solve problems analytically  or using a computer approach.
Competency standards /
Learning Outcomes                        : Students are able to:
1. Analyze data and create solutions to problems.
2. Using computer programs and applications.
3. Collaboration and presentations in the classroom.

Reference books :
1. Kreyszig Erwin. 2006. Advanced Engineering Mathematics 9th Edition. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Dale Varberg & Edwin J Purcell. 2007. Calculus with Analytic Geometry 9th Edition. Prentice Hall International.
3. Jeffrey Alan. 2002. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Harcourt Academic Press.

 Details of activities                          :
Basic competencies / capabilities end to be achieved

Study materials
(teaching materials)
Learning Model
Learning Media
Criteria for Assessment
Form of evaluation
Weight rating
Sub subject
Students understand the purpose and objective approach to learning with SCL
SCL Guidelines
Explanation of the implementation of the teaching of the SCL, Rules lectures, assignments, and assessments
The presentation of the lecturer
lectures +
LCD projector, whiteboard.


Students are able to define multivariable functions, domain of functions of several variables, graph and level curve, partial derivative, to find  limit and continuity, and differential  in n-space
Derivative in n-Space (2)
Introduction; Function of multivariable, Domain of functions of several variables, graph and level curve, partial derivative, to find  limit and continuity, and differential  in n-space
Informal presentations and discussion groups
(Lecturer describes an outline of the material "Derivative in n-Space", students are given the task of group discussions "create 5 examples of multivariable functions and partial derivative” , student discussions in small groups, the results were presented to the class discussion.
LCD projector, whiteboard, calculator.
Activity and results of discussion in each group. Student can solve the multivariable functions problems
Short test, homework to practice the questions

Students are able to find solution of the  first order-ordinary differential equations (ODEs).
The First Order- Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs)
Basic Concepts. Modeling Geometric Meaning of y' = f(x, y). Direction Fields, Separable ODEs. Modeling, Exact ODEs, Integrating Factors, Linear ODEs. Bernoulli Equation, Population Dynamics, Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions
Informal presentations and discussion groups
(Lecturer describes an outline of the material "The First ODEs", students are given the task of group discussions "create 5 examples  of the following discussion about how to find solutions of ODEs", students in small group discussions, the discussions presented in the class.
LCD projector, whiteboard, calculator.
Activity and results of discussion in each group.
Student can solve the ODEs problems
Short test, homework to practice the questions.

Students are able to find solutions of the  Second order-Linear Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs).
The  Second order-Linear Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs).
Homogeneous Linear ODEs of Second Order, Homogeneous Linear ODEs with Constant Coefficients, Differential Operators, Modeling: Free Oscillations. (Mass-Spring System), Euler-Cauchy Equations, Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions. Wronskian, Nonhomogeneous ODEs, Modeling: Forced Oscillations. Resonance, Modeling: Electric Circuits, Solution by Variation of Parameters.
Presentations and discussion groups (Lecturer describes an outline of the material " The  Second order-Linear Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs )", students are given the task of group discussions " to find solutions of second order ODEs”, student discussions in small groups, the results were presented to the class discussion.
LCD projector, whiteboard, calculator.
Student’s Activity and the results of discussion in each group.
Student can solve the second order ODEs problems
Short test, homework to practice the questions.

Quiz I

Review Material   for preparing Midterm Exam
·   Materials Quiz on Chapter 15 (2) and Chapter 1&2 (1)
·    (Time 2x50minutes)

·   Lecturer give  a quiz
·   Students are given the task of discussion groups to discuss the material in accordance with predetermined by the lecturer in this chapter.
·   The results were presented to the class discussion.
·   Lecturer reiterated important points about the material that has been presented by each group.
• Lecturer provide conclusions about the material that was presented by the students.
LCD projector, whiteboard, calculator.
Students are able to complete the corresponding quiz questions correctly
Written tests, open book

Midterm Exam (UTS)


Students are able to extend the ides of a definite integral to double and triple integrals of functions of two or three
Multiple Integral (2)

Introduction, Double Integrals
over Rectangles, Iterated Integrals, Double Integrals
over General Regions, Double Integrals
in Polar Coordinates, Applications
of Double Integrals, Triple Integrals, Triple Integrals in
Cylindrical Coordinates, Triple Integrals
in Spherical Coordinates, Change of Variables
in Multiple Integrals.

·   Lecturer describes an outline of the material "Multiple Integral".
·   Students are given the task of discussing the matter in accordance with predetermined by the lecturer in this chapter.
·   The results of MATLAB simulation program presented in front of the class.
·   Lecturer reiterated important points about the subject matter of each group.
• Lecturer provide conclusions about the material that was presented by the students.
LCD projector, whiteboard, calculator.
Students are able to solve multiple integral problems using MATLAB
Task completion multiple integral using MATLAB programming

Students are able to find the Laplace transforms and The Inverse Laplace Transforms of the functions
Laplace Transforms (1)

Laplace Transforms:Laplace Transform, Inverse Transform. Linearity. s-Shifting Transforms of Derivatives and Integrals. ODEs Unit Step Function. t-Shifting , Short Impulses. Dirac's Delta Function. Partial Fractions, Convolution. Integral Equations, Differentiation and Integration of Transforms. Systems of ODEs,  Laplace Transform: General Formulas , Table of Laplace Transforms.
·   Lecturer describes an outline of the material "Laplace Transforms".
·   Students are given the task of discussing the matter in accordance with predetermined by the lecturer in this chapter.
·   The results of MATLAB simulation program presented in front of the class.
·   Lecturer reiterated important points about the subject matter of each group.
• Lecturer provide conclusions about the material that was presented by the students.
LCD projector, whiteboard, calculator.
Students are able to solve Laplace transforms and inverse Laplace transforms.
Student can solve the problems using MATLAB
Homework, Task completion Laplace transforms and inverse using MATLAB programming
Students are able to solve problems using a variety of Linear Algebra methods
Linear Algebra: Matrices, Vectors, Determinants (1)
Linear Algebra: Matrices, Vectors, Determinants: Linear Systems,  Matrices, Vectors: Addition and Scalar Multiplication, Matrix Multiplication, Linear Systems of Equations. Gauss Elimination,  Linear Independence. Rank of a Matrix. Vector Space,  Solutions of Linear Systems: Existence, Uniqueness, For Reference: Second- and Third-Order Determinants, Determinants. Cramers Rule,  Inverse of a Matrix. Gauss-Jordan Elimination,  Vector Spaces, Inner Product Spaces.
·   Lecturer describes an outline of the material "Linear Algebra".
·   Students are given the task of discussing the matter in accordance with predetermined by the lecturer in this chapter.
·   The results of MATLAB simulation program presented in front of the class.
·   Lecturer reiterated important points about the subject matter of each group.
• Lecturer provide conclusions about the material that was presented by the students.
LCD projector, whiteboard, calculator.
Students are able to solve Linear Algebra problems and to compute using MATLAB
Homework, Task completion Linear Algebra
Students are able to solve Vector Differential Calculus problems.
Vector Differential Calculus (1)
Vector Differential Calculus: Grad, Div, Curl,  Vectors in 2-Space and 3-Space,  Inner Product (Dot Product),  Vector Product (Cross Product), Vector and Scalar Functions and Fields. Derivatives, Curves. Arc Length. Curvature. Torsion,  Gradient of a Scalar Field. Directional Derivative, Divergence of a Vector Field,  Curl of a Vector Field.
·   Lecturer describes an outline of the material "Vector Differential Calculus".
·   Students are given the task of discussing the matter in accordance with predetermined by the lecturer in this chapter.
·   Lecturer reiterated important points about the subject matter of each group.
• Lecturer provide conclusions about the material that was presented by the students.
LCD projector, whiteboard, calculator.
Students are able to solve Vector Differential Calculus problems
Short test, homework to practice the questions.

Quizzes and review materials

18 19

Final Semester Exam (UAS)


Prepared by:
Checked by:
Approved by:

(Yuliati, S.Si, MT )
Course Coordinator

Head of Department

Date : 3 February 2013
Date :
Date :

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